The backside of Danielle Gaebel standing in the Upper Delaware river with arms stretched out.

Live your superfine life!


It’s time to release your anxiety, stress, fear, overwhelm, self-doubt, and people-pleasing so you can connect to your higher self (your true self) and create the life and business of your dreams.

Does this sound familiar?

You're on a mission and determined to succeed.

But you’ve got a problem (or many)…

Maybe you’re:

  • Tired of the BS excuses you tell yourself that keep you stuck and unfulfilled.

  • Struggling with perfectionism and self-doubt sits on your shoulders, whispering, “you’re not good enough.”

  • Set off by the smallest things because overwhelm has taken over and runs the show.

  • Ready for a change but aren’t sure what exactly needs to change or how to make it happen.

Maybe it looks like:

  • Stress and anxiety are preventing you from reaching your goals and finding success.

  • Your personal and professional life aren’t thriving, and it’s stressing you the F-Out.

  • Worry and fear keep you tossing and turning at night.

  • You say yes to everyone except yourself (boundaries anyone?).

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can reimagine, reinvent, realign, and reconnect to yourself.

You can create a superfine life and business you absolutely love and adore — and I can help!

Hi. I’m Danielle.

Certified Mindset Coach, JourneyDance™ Facilitator (somatic movement coach), and Moonologer for women in business who are ready for a fun, profound, and holistic approach to achieving mind-body balance.

Because if you want to move forward, feel good, and be unstoppable, you need to release all the shit holding you back.

I know. I was there, I wrote the book and bought the t-shirt.

And now, my life transformation has become my business purpose.

Imagine what your Superfine Life could look like…

A Superfine Life is all about coming home to yourself and finding your joy.

It’s about being in the flow state — growing, evolving, and making progress in building and creating a life and business you love.

Living a Superfine Life means you’re thriving — not just surviving.

Embodying a Superfine Life can look like…

  • Having confidence and trusting your inner voice

  • Prioritizing yourself because you know you can’t pour from an empty cup

  • Creating healthy boundaries, so you stop saying yes to everything and everyone

  • Connecting with your emotions so you can stop repeating patterns of behavior that keep you stuck

Or maybe for you, a Superfine Life is one where you're...

  • Living in the present and enjoying the wonderful, beautiful moments at hand

  • Processing and releasing your emotions as they surface, so they don’t get trapped inside the body

  • Letting go of fear and cultivating unshakable faith and trust in yourself and the universe

  • Having fun, taking chances, and trying new things that support a balanced mind and body.

 The truth is, when we're stuck and really struggling, it can be hard to envision a life that we'd truly love.

So, that's exactly what I'm here to help you do.

Imagine what it would feel like to…

  • Manage your daily stressors without losing your shit

  • Cultivate better relationships with the people you love and care about

  • Get organized and take aligned action to grow your business

  • Tap into your subconscious, remove limiting beliefs, and make real change

  • Release the anxiety, stress, and fear that plague you and make life miserable

  • Re-energize your mind, body, and spirit

If you’re ready to leave the past behind so you can step into your superfine life, welcome; I’m so glad you’re here.

3 Paths to a Superfine Life —
Here’s How We Can Work Together

When we work together, you'll learn how to break through your mental blocks, take control of your emotional state, and find the clarity and confidence to step into your power.

The result?

A process that helps you create the life and business of your dreams.

JourneyDance™ with Danielle

Get out of your mind and into your body. Get unstuck and into your superfine flow.

JourneyDance™ is a hypnotic container weaving expressive movement, guided imagery, ritual, and affirmation. When we move, we find harmony and healing.

JourneyDance™ offers you an opportunity to discover why somatic movement and dance may be just the medicine you need.

Join us live on Zoom every Thursday, 7-8:15pm ET.

Lunar Harmony: JourneyDance™ & Moon Phase Rituals

Embark on a transformative journey as you harness the powerful energies of the new and full moons.

Experience a harmonious blend of movement, music, sound, and breath coupled with moon work and ceremony designed to rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul.

Lunar Harmony helps you let go of the old and manifest your dreams.

Join us live class (via Zoom) or catch the replay.

Superfine Clarity Coaching

During this 1:1 coaching experience, we'll work together to identify what’s out of alignment, getting to the bottom of what you really want (not what you think you “should” want).

Superfine Clarity is designed to give you new insight, direction, and focus so you can pinpoint the resources needed to reach your goals.

After working together, you'll walk away with a somatic healing tool kit and an action plan to begin the process of stepping into your unstoppable self.