Lunar Wisdom: Moon Phase Rituals & JourneyDance™

Embark on a celestial journey, blending the mystical energies of the new and full moon with heartfelt rhythms of movement, music, sound, and breath.

Each class is designed to help you rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit, guiding you to release and receive.

Join us for a LIVE class, or catch the replay.


Full Moon Ceremony & JourneyDance™

Tuesday, September 17 • 7-8:45pm ET

Full Moon Ceremony & JourneyDance™ ✦ Tuesday, September 17 • 7-8:45pm ET ✦

Why work with the New Moon & Full Moon?

Each phase of the moon holds special energy —

  • New Moons signify beginnings, calling in, and wishing for what you want to receive. It’s a time to set intentions and plant seeds for the future.

  • Full Moons are for releasing and forgiveness. A chance to let go of what no longer serves you and an opportunity to surrender it all to the divine.

Timed with these powerful lunar phases, JourneyDance™ and moon ceremony harness this cosmic energy, guiding you through intention setting, ritual, release, gratitude, and manifestation.

3 Simple Steps to Joining Lunar Wisdom: Moon Phase Rituals & JourneyDance™

1. Sign-Up for Class

2. Attend Live via Zoom or Catch the Replay

3. Come to the Next One & Repeat

Dates & Details

    • Thursday, October 3

    • Friday, November 1

    • Sunday, December 1

    • Monday, December 30

    Each class and ceremony takes place from 7-8:45pm ET via Zoom.

    • Tuesday, September 17

    • Thursday, October 17

    • Thursday, November 14

    • Sunday, December 15

    Each class and ceremony takes place from 7-8:45pm ET via Zoom.

    • New & Full Moon Classes are held via Zoom on select dates (see above), 7-8:45pm ET.

      • We'll begin with our Moon Ceremony (30 minutes), JourneyDance™ (for about 50-60 minutes), and then close by coming together in the community for an opportunity to reflect and share (if you're so inclined). We typically wrap up around 8:45pm ET.

    • Tickets are $30 and include a live JourneyDance™ class, moon ceremony, and the replay.

      • Monthly Membership is $35 per month (includes access to new and full moon classes, PLUS all Thursday classes).

      • If you need financial support, please apply for a Superfine Scholarship.

      • If you have a coupon, you’ll enter it at checkout.

      • After you checkout, you’ll receive the Zoom link and all the details needed for a magical experience.

    • Open to women of all ages, body types, sexual orientations, and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people — regardless of race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability/abilities, and socioeconomic background.

    • This is a sacred and supportive space and a judgment-free zone — come as you are.

    • You can dance in community with your camera on or keep your camera off — the choice is yours.

    • I'll offer movement suggestions, but you are free to dance and move as you wish.

    • The replay will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

    • An Open Mind

    • A Space to Move/Dance

    • Internet Access to Connect via Zoom

    • Comfortable Clothes (layers work best)

    • A Lightweight/Flowy Scarf (used in the dance)

    • Water

    • Tissues

    • 1-2 Blankets and/or Yoga Mat

    • Pen & Paper (or journal) for new moon ceremonies

    • Pen & Paper (to burn) for full moon ceremonies

    • Crystals and/or Tarot/Oracle Decks (optional)

    • Headphones/Earbuds (preferred)

"Working with the new and full moon is powerful, but when you add breath, movement, and sound through the somatic movement practice, JourneyDance™, it creates a rich and deep energetic experience that makes the moon work amplified, more profound.

For me, it puts the “Magic” in Moonology."

— Danielle

Hi there. I’m Danielle – your guide to Moonology & JourneyDance™

Hello and a warm welcome to my corner of the interwebs.

As a Certified Mindset Coach, JourneyDance™ Facilitator, and passionate Moonologer, my mission is to empower women to free themselves from that which dims their shine.

My journey into the realm of personal transformation and wellness began after years of battling emotional storms, feeling hopelessly anchored in place by the unresolved childhood trauma that silently dictated my entire life — relationships, parenting, thoughts, patterns, behaviors, and beliefs.

While talk therapy offered a glimmer of understanding, I discovered the true path to healing and liberation — somatic practices (like JourneyDance™).

Along the way, I started tuning into the law of attraction and manifesting. I found Yasmin Boland, fell in love with her Moonology practice, and got certified!

Now, I intertwine her new and full moon rituals with JourneyDance™, to create a transformational experience rooted in manifestation and healing the mind, body, and soul.

Allow me to guide you through a new or full moon journey.

Together, we’ll breathe, move, and sound. We’ll sit in ceremony, meditating, writing, releasing…

Gift yourself this lunar magic and somatic movement experience, so you can unlock the door to your inner wisdom.

In love and light 💜


Client Love

"I love manifesting with the new moon and releasing with the full moon — and to be able to do this with a group of like-minded women is even more powerful!" — Sandy

Why Moonology?

Moonology, the practice of aligning one's life with the moon's phases, is ancient and once observed by civilizations across the globe.

The moon's phases offer a time for reflection, growth, and release.

The New Moon invites intention-setting, planting seeds, making wishes, and taking action steps under a dark sky.

The Full Moon is a time of illumination and culmination. It sheds light on that which no longer serves our higher good. It’s a time to forgive and release.

When you harness lunar energy and make these practices part of your life, you bring conscious awareness to your dreams and desires.

You also shine a light on what holds you back, helping you shed and let go of the glunk getting in the way of your manifesting.

Client Love

"Danielle’s new and full moon JourneyDance™ classes and ceremonies are a very special experience. The choice of music, combined with Danielle’s messaging and ceremony is spectacular. Her knowledge about moon cycles and moon rituals was informative and extremely healing." — Cara

Why JourneyDance™?

JourneyDance™ transcends the typical dance class, offering a deep, somatic movement journey that nurtures mind, body, and soul.

It acts as a powerful conduit for healing, guiding you through movement, sound, and breath. It’s designed for self-exploration, expressive freedom, and profound inner work.

The dance (aka the journey) is carefully crafted to dissolve tension, stuck trauma, and emotions held within the body, revitalizing you with newfound energy and zest for life.

JourneyDance™ encourages you to shed the burdens that hold you back…

Movement is the medicine you carry within — JourneyDance™ merely helps you unlock and activate this healing power, reminding you that the ultimate key to transformation and wellness lies within your own body's wisdom.

Client Love

"You need to do this, for yourself, your family, your past, present and future — it’s truly a transcendent experience and is so good for the mind, body, and soul." — Genna

Here’s what people are saying about their experience…

  • "Completely life-changing and transformative."

  • "Rejuvenating. Inspiring. Fun."

  • "A beautiful, safe community to move and dance with others."

  • "A lovely, uplifting class."

  • "So Much FUN!"

  • "Energetic, freeing, wild, healing, safe!"

  • "Releasing, empowering, transformational, energizing."

  • "Magical!"

  • "A joyful release with healing."

"Though you may not know what to expect, I highly recommend doing JourneyDance™ with Danielle.

If you are open to dancing and like music, this class is for you.

Beyond the free movement and wonderful music selection, this class was truly transformative.

I felt like I moved old energy out of my body. It was such a release for my mind, body and soul.

Truly a beautiful experience I would love to share with the world." — JB

Client Love

"I'm still on a high a day later! It was so much fun and felt so good to just flow with the music and not think about how to move or worry about being judged!" — Larissa

"Every JourneyDance™ has brought my mind and body to places I could not have predicted. I open my heart and my body feels free to do anything it desires. The immersion of the music and the softness of your voice touches the synapses of my nerve endings and releases chemicals of pure love. I look forward to every session with no expectations, just living in the moment and being free to express myself in whatever happens. This style of dance combines music, movement, memories, and miracles. Thank you, Danielle." — Leanne

Sometimes you just have to dance!

You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers.

Click the plus icons below to reveal the information you seek… And if you still have a question, please feel free to reach out and ask me anything.

  • No. JourneyDance™ is not about choreography.

    We focus on free-form movement allowing the body to lead the movement.

    I'll be guiding you, but you are free to move as you please.

    Two left feet? Doesn't matter.

    Can't follow a beat? Doesn't matter.

    It's all about how it feels — not what it looks like.

    You can keep your camera on or turn it off. You can be on, off, and back on. The choice is yours!

    I'll be pinned, so I'll pretty much take over your screen.

    I move with wild abandon and encourage everyone in class to do the same.

    Not able to stand or be on your feet — you can sit!

    No matter your age, body type, or disability/ability, you can likely JourneyDance™.

    It's a fun and healing somatic movement experience and the only way to truly understand it is to give it a try!

    So, grab a FREE Thursday Class Pass and see what you think.

  • Yes! My sister has been JourneyDancing™ with my niece since she was six months old.

    That said, I encourage you to carve out this time for yourself.

    Allowing yourself the time and space to drop into your body and connect with the moon's energy will do you wonders.

    But I see you mama — and doing this work with your kiddos by your side is better than not doing it at all. Join us!

    As for friends, if they're in your space, they're invited to join you (no additional charge).

    If they’re at their place (i.e. not with you), they’ll need to purchase their entry into the class.

  • No, I’m a certified JourneyDance™ Facilitator.

    I’ve loved dance my entire life and dreamt of attending the Juilliard School when I was young.

    Dance has always been a part of my life, and being able to share JourneyDance™ with others sets my soul on fire.

    It’s a true love and passion and has changed me forever.

  • Yes, you can!

    I've had people JourneyDance™ from chairs, wheelchairs, couches, beds, and bathtubs!

    While the experience will be different, it's still very impactful.

    Even if you want to lie down and just listen, you will benefit from this work.

  • An eclectic mix is the best way to describe it — think music that makes you move and feel.

    The playlist and journey change every week.

    Just know this — I’m known to put a great playlist together.

  • No need, and ideally, you would not. Dancing in socks or barefoot is best.

    That said, if you feel like you need them on, please wear them. You can always take them off.

  • No worries! As long as you're signed up, you will get access to the replay.

    If you can't attend live, I highly recommend you take the class and do the ceremony within 72 hours to fully harness the power of the moon work.

  • Monthly Membership is $35 and includes access to all Thursday classes AND the New & Full Moon Classes/Ceremonies (live and replay).

    And in the very near future, you'll have access to Thursday replays and a treasure chest full of somatic healing tools — stay tuned!

    When you sign up, your account will automatically renew, and you will be charged on the same day each month.

    You can cancel anytime.

  • New and Full Moon classes and ceremonies will be recorded, and a replay will be sent within 24 hours.

    Please note, participants are NOT recorded (just me).

    There are no replays for the regular Thursday classes — but stay tuned because that's about to change!

  • Yes! I’m available for online and in-person sessions, retreats, workshops, and more.

    Please contact me with details.

  • Yes!

    1:1 Movement & Mindset Coaching Sessions are available for an investment of $250 per session (90 minutes) or 5 sessions for $1000.

    We will meet prior to working together to identify what you'd like to release and receive.

    Then, I'll create a custom playlist and JourneyDance™ specific to you and your goals.

    We'll move, sound, and breathe together via Zoom.

    When we're done, you'll have the recording (of just me) and the playlist so you can revisit our session together if needed (or wanted).

    If you’re interested in this option, please contact me.

  • Yes. However, not consistently.

    If you would like to request an in-person class, please contact me.

    If you’d like to be alerted of in-person classes, please sign up for my newsletter.

  • I believe women of all ages, body types, sexual orientations, and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people, need supportive spaces to heal and grow.

    It’s something I value and find sacred.

    So, my invitation is to welcome them regardless of race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability/abilities, and socioeconomic background.

    Superfine Life is an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, equitable, inclusive company.

    I stand for LGBTQIA+ rights. I believe black lives matter. I insist that as a woman/human, I own the rights to my body.

    If you feel the same way, welcome! I am so glad you’re here.

    If this makes you cringe or you disagree, thanks for stopping by. This is probably not the place for you, and that’s a-okay.

  • My goal is to keep class as accessible as possible.

    New and Full Moon classes/ceremonies are $30 each.

    Regular Thursday classes are $20 each.

    You can also purchase a Monthly Membership for $35 (which includes access to all Thursday night classes AND all new and full moon classes/ceremonies).

    If finances are an obstacle, please connect with me to explore what’s possible.

    And for those looking to support and sponsor a fellow woman whose budget doesn’t allow her access to services like these, I welcome you to Pay It Forward.

    100% of the funds collected will be applied to the Superfine Scholarship Fund for women who need extra support to access my services.

  • Yes. I believe everyone should have access to healing modalities.

    If you need further support to access my services, I invite you to apply for a Superfine Scholarship.

  • Please, reach out.

    I would love to answer any and all of your questions — so ask away.