Superfine Clarity 1:1 Coaching to help you reach your goals and dreams with ease.

Have you ever felt like you’re just going through the motions?

Like you’re stuck in a rut but don’t know how to get out of it?

Maybe, what worked for you in the past doesn’t work anymore, and now you feel uninspired and unmotivated.

If you find yourself doing the same old things, getting the same old results, you’re probably at the end of your rope.

You might not even be aware of what’s holding you back. But if you want to start making progress, it’s time to take a step back and reflect.

Superfine Clarity offers you a unique experience designed to:

  • Help you get crystal clear on what you specifically want — not what you think you “should” want (have, be, or do).

  • Uncover what’s supporting you, what’s hindering you, and what will need to change in order to find peace, joy, and success.

  • Pinpoint the resources and next steps needed to reach your goals.

  • Reevaluate your life and business and recalibrate your priorities.

  • Identify the blocks and barriers to your success so you can find clarity, direction, and focus.

Journey within, reflecting on what makes you happy and what matters most to you — the things that make life worth living and entrepreneurship worth doing.

You can live a superfine life and make your dreams a reality.

Because when you align your priorities with what matters most, when you understand what it is that will help you get from where you are to where you want to go, when you have clarity around what exactly it is that makes life worth living for YOU — success will naturally follow.

“Clarity is momentum that has no resistance. It’s the biggest prize you’re looking for. To feel clear, sure, and stable. That is what you really desire.”
- Abraham Hicks

If you’re ready to bring awareness to an area of your life or business that needs attention so you can grow and flourish, Superfine Clarity is for you!

Join me in two private 1:1 coaching sessions as we uncover an area of your life or business that needs attention and support.


  • Sessions are held via zoom.

  • Superfine Clarity Sessions are offered as “choose what you pay” ($997-$1497)

What You Need:

  • An Open Mind

  • An Area of Your Life or Business You Want to Change (a Goal)

  • A Desire for Growth & Self Expansion

  • Commitment to Doing the Work

What’s Included:

  • (2) 90-minute 1:1 Mindset Coaching Sessions — designed to focus on a specific area or goal, so you make progress and find forward momentum

  • An Aligned Action Plan — to help you make progress so you reach success

  • 28-Day Custom Hypnosis — a powerful technique that works with your unconscious mind to release the past and create a fabulous future

  • Custom EFT (emotional freedom technique) Video & Audio Recording — to help you reduce stress and anxiety

  • Voxer Support for 30 Days — so you can check in, ask questions, and be supported on your journey to taking aligned action


  • 1 Month FREE inside the Movement, Mindset & Wellness Membership (value $35) — so you can get out of your head and drop into your body, releasing stuck and stored emotions while you dance, have fun, and reconnect to your innate state of divine well-being.

  • $100 Credit to Coaching Services with Canna Coach JB — so you can explore working with cannabis and your endocannabinoid system to find relief from stress, anxiety, and any pain or health issues you struggle with.

Investment: $997-$1497 (choose what you pay)

Your current situation is giving you an opportunity to re-evaluate and get clear on what you really want.


Mindset is everything...

Why Mindset Coaching?

You're not just a body. You're a mind, heart, and soul.

When we talk about our mindsets, we're talking about our whole self — how we think, feel, and act.

When it comes to your success, mindset is everything.

And that's where I come in.

As a mindset coach, I help you achieve your goals using the power of deep insight, transformational techniques, and practical actions.

I help you go from where you are now to where you want to be, uncovering the beliefs, blocks, behaviors, and patterns of thinking that prevent you from creating the life and business of your dreams.

Mindset coaching offers faster results, greater transformation, and lasting success.

  • Why is Hypnosis so Powerful?

    Hypnosis is so powerful because it works at the subconscious level.

    The subconscious mind is the part of your psyche that controls all unconscious processes, like breathing and walking. It's also where you store your habits, beliefs, and emotions.

    Because the subconscious mind is so powerful, when you use hypnosis to create change, the results are long-lasting.

    When you're hypnotized, you enter a state of heightened relaxation where your conscious mind becomes less active — allowing your subconscious mind to become more responsive and open to suggestion.

    When you start to reprogram your subconscious, it can have a dramatic effect on how you feel and react to situations in your daily life.

  • What's Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a practice that consists of tapping with your fingertips on specific meridian points while talking through a wide range of emotions.

    The idea behind EFT is that energy lines in your body are connected to emotional centers, and when you tap on them, those emotions can be released.

    EFT can be used anytime, anywhere, and for anything — from healing physical pain to releasing stress and anxiety or even addressing food cravings.

    Tapping is an easy way to get in touch with your body's natural healing capacities so you can let go of the things holding you back from living a fulfilling life.

    Simply put, EFT allows you to tap into your inner wisdom and power easily and effectively.

  • What’s an example of something we could work on?

    The possibilities are endless and specific to you.

    For example, I’ve worked with women who want to deal with issues like stress eating, finding their purpose in life, dealing with relationships that aren’t supportive, getting to the bottom of whether they want to work for someone else or branch out and do their own thing, etc.

    Superfine Clarity is designed to offer you support wherever you need it the most.

    Take a deep breath and ask yourself this — what in my life (or business) needs to change?

    Whatever pops up for you is probably what we should start with.

    Please reach out if you’re questioning whether or not this is the right container of support for you.

Here are some commonly asked questions, along with the answers…

But if you still have questions, I encourage you to ask me anything. Give that button below a click so we ca

  • I believe that to help you (with everything I’ve got), we need to be a good match — a good fit.

    Your Superfine Clarity Call will help us both determine if I’m the right coach for you (and if you’re the right client for me).

  • Absolutely!

    Please feel free to book a free 20-minute Clarity Call if you’d like to chat it out before you apply.

  • Nope! You do not need to own a business to work with me.

    If you like what you’re reading and it’s speaking to you, I invite you to connect with me on a Clarity Call to see if I’m the right fit for you.

  • Everyone’s financial circumstances and budgets are different. This is my way of recognizing that and empowering you to choose the best option for YOU.

    If you’re in the position to pay it forward, I invite you to do so. 100% of the funds collected will be applied to the Superfine Scholarship Fund for women who need extra support to access my services.

    If paying the minimum is impossible, please connect with me to explore what’s possible.

  • Yes, I believe everyone should have access to healing modalities which is why I offer this program on a sliding scale.

    If you need further support to access my services, I invite you to apply for a Superfine Scholarship.