Danielle Gaebel smiling headshot.

The Superfine Life Scholarship Fund

Designed to support women and nonbinary individuals whose financial and life circumstances prevent them from accessing my services. 

Superfine Support to Help You Thrive

You deserve to heal, grow, and live your superfine life — we all do. Unfortunately, life and financial circumstances don’t always allow for this.

That’s why I’ve created the Superfine Life Scholarship Fund.

My goal is to help individuals like you who are already passionate about holistic healing but may be financially unable to pursue it fully.

For every dollar collected, I match it. Equally contributing to the greater good because it takes a village in life and business.

Scholarships are granted on a rolling basis as funding allows. And I don't require details or proof of financial hardship. I believe hardships are traumas (big and small), and I don't believe it's my place to ask you to prove your need.

Instead, I look at why you want the scholarship and what it would allow you to have, be, or do once receiving access to my services.

I believe that for people to heal themselves and those around them, they need support, resources, and education. And I believe everyone should have access to these resources regardless of their income level or background.

So, if you would like access to my services and finances are a barrier, please apply for a Superfine Scholarship today.

And welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.

- Danielle


  • Self-identify as a woman or nonbinary individual

  • Be in need of financial assistance to access my services

Scholarship Awards:

  • Scholarships are granted on a rolling basis as funding allows, and the amount of the award will vary depending on the individual's needs.

Application Process:

Please note, I do not require details or proof of financial hardship. If you're applying for the scholarship, I understand that you have a need for support, and I welcome you to submit your request.

Superfine Contributions Welcome

If you landed on this page and are NOT in need, can you help pay it forward?

If you desire to share your abundance, supporting the growth and healing of other women in business and my endeavors, I encourage you to donate today.

All donations are matched dollar for dollar by me.

Thank you for considering,

- Danielle

Please note donations are not tax-deductible.