JourneyDance™ with Danielle

Immerse yourself in a unique and transformative somatic movement practice as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, allowing you to connect with your true self in a deep and meaningful way.

JourneyDance™ Facilitator Danielle Gaebel holding a scarf alongside the Upper Delaware River.

Awaken your higher self and step into your power by getting out of your head and into your body.

Join me on a musical soul ride — a spiritual and emotional JourneyDance™ that inspires the uninhibited free expression of the true self.

JourneyDance™ with Danielle offers you the freedom to:

  • Become clear, free, and positive. Allowing your body to become fluid, energized, and powerful.

  • Release stored emotions, calm your nervous system, and step into your unstoppable self.

  • Discover the power of honoring and expressing your emotions.

  • Become your own medicine.

Explore how movement, music, and dance can help you reclaim fun, curiosity, playfulness, and joy, allowing you to let go, release, and receive.

Why JourneyDance™?

JourneyDance™ is not merely a dance class; it is a transformative somatic movement experience that supports the mind, body, and soul.

A call to heal is echoed throughout as participants engage in a progression of movement and dance that opens up space for self-discovery, self-expression, and inner healing. 

The physical aspects of the dance are geared to release stored tension and trauma, infusing the body with a renewed sense of vitality and vibrancy.

JourneyDance™ serves as an invitation to tap into your infinite inner resources so you can step into our highest potential.

We shake, dance, and release, shedding what no longer serves us.

On the superfine dance floor, women of all ages, body types, sexual orientations, and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people, add to the richness of the community, creating a supportive and empowering space that celebrates everyone’s uniqueness and healing journey.

It’s a life-changing practice that brings you back to YOU!

"It’s like spiritual clubbing with your sisters." — Michelle C.

Here’s what people are saying about their experience…

  • "Completely life-changing and transformative."

  • "Rejuvenating. Inspiring. Fun."

  • "A beautiful, safe community to move and dance with others."

  • "A lovely, uplifting class."

  • "So Much FUN!"

  • "Energetic, freeing, wild, healing, and safe!"

  • "Releasing, empowering, transformational, energizing."

"Though you may not know what to expect, I highly recommend doing JourneyDance™ with Danielle.

If you are open to dancing and like music, this class is for you.

Beyond the free movement and wonderful music selection, this class was truly transformative.

I felt like I moved old energy out of my body. It was such a release for my mind, body and soul.

Truly a beautiful experience I would love to share with the world." — Jennifer

Client Love

"A joy to dance with Danielle! She is warm, open-hearted, and creates a space where it is comfortable to show up real and alive!"
— Amy

"This is a great way to get me off the couch one night a week and shake things up. At first, I thought of it as just for moving my body, but it soothes my soul, too." — Jeanine

"I had little to no experience with movement — I suffer from chronic pain and my body cannot relax. I’m always holding stuff in. Danielle's classes have helped me look at my body in a more pleasant and open space. You cannot help but feel joy in her classes, very spiritual for me. She is always so excited about being with us. She exudes confidence, professionalism and an open heart. She is a new adventurer who has warmly entered my life. I feel a strong connection with her." — Karen

If you’re ready to heal, restore, and connect with your inner resources so you can step into your highest potential, JourneyDance™ with Danielle is for you!

Join me to tap into your inner wisdom, repattern the past, create visions for a beautiful future, and step into a higher vibration.

Together, we'll embark on a journey to embodiment, empowerment, expression, and elevation.

3 Simple Steps to JourneyDance™ with Danielle:

1. Sign-Up for Class

2. Dance, Release, Reflect

3. Come to the Next Class and Repeat


  • Classes are 75 minutes, held via Zoom on Thursdays at 7pm ET

  • Open to women of all ages, body types, sexual orientations, and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people.

  • Individual Classes are $20

  • Monthly Membership is $35 per month (includes access to all Thursday night classes and the Superfine Movement, Mindset & Wellness Toolkit — coming soon!)

  • If you require further financial assistance, please apply for a Superfine Scholarship.

  • If you have a coupon, you’ll enter it at checkout.

  • After you checkout, you’ll receive the Zoom link and all the details needed to have a wonderful experience.

What You Need:

  • An Open Mind

  • A Space to Move/Dance

  • Internet Access to Connect via Zoom

  • Comfortable Clothes (layers work best)

  • A Lightweight/Flowy Scarf (used in the dance)

  • Water

  • Tissues

  • 1-2 Blankets and/or Yoga Mat

  • Journal & Pen

  • Headphones (preferred)

Client Love

"Danielle is a gifted facilitator who creatively leads participants with guided imagery that allows for connection to oneself and the earth. Her messaging is positive and affirmative. She gently invites dancers to go deeper into emotions at times during the dance. In dancing with her, it is clear that we were being held in a safe container.  Danielle’s class is a great one to take if you are looking to get more in touch with yourself: mind, body, and soul." — Cara

"Danielle's JourneyDance™ class feels like a must for any woman at any stage of life. It's healing, energizing, freeing, and, most of all, so much fun! After just one class, I already felt a connection with the other ladies. We processed, we felt, we empathized, and we supported. I had always wanted to dance - I absolutely love all types of music - but internal thoughts stopped me. In Danielle's class, I'm free to be me." — Larissa

  • What is JourneyDance™?

    JourneyDance™, created by Toni Bergins, is a transformational dance form that combines freestyle and structured somatic movement to inspire you to get out of your mind and into your body.

    It’s about letting go of expectations, judgments, and inhibitions and allowing yourself to move freely.

    The focus is on the internal experience vs. the external appearance.

    It's a way to express yourself in an environment where you feel safe, supported, and free.

    JourneyDance™ is a great way to release tension, relieve stress, and find peace.

    It's a sacred journey filled with bliss and new discoveries uncovering what's asking to be healed within.

  • What is Somatic Movement?

    The word somatics comes from the Latin word “soma,” meaning "body."

    Somatic movement is a holistic approach to personal development that taps the body's full intelligence and the subconscious mind. It helps us come into relationship with what’s happening within.

    We ask the question, “what does the body need right now? What in me wants to express?”

    By working with our bodies, we can begin to address issues that have been trapped inside our fascia for years.

    Somatic movement is a way to release the past and bring awareness to what is holding us back from being our best selves today.

  • Why is Dance a Healing Modality?

    We were born to dance — it’s in our genes and is our birthright. People from all cultures have been dancing since the beginning of time.

    Dancing maintains and improves our physical and mental health. It allows us to release stuck and stored emotions and helps detox the body.

    It’s energizing, reduces the stress hormone (cortisol), releases endorphins (one of our body’s natural 'feel-good' chemicals), and enhances the production of anandamide (our body’s natural version of THC).

    Dancing brings more oxygen into the brain and body, boosts our self-esteem, diffuses stress, and fosters well-being.

“There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.”

— Vicki Baum

When in doubt... dance it out!

You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers.

Click the plus icons below to reveal the information you seek… And if you still have a question, please feel free to reach out and ask me anything.

  • No. JourneyDance™ is not about choreography. We focus on free-form movement allowing the body to lead the dance.

    Trust me — it’s a lot of fun.

  • If your child wants to join you, who am I to say no.

    That said, I encourage you to carve out these 90 minutes for yourself. To drop into your body, you need the space and mind frame to do so.

    But dancing with your kiddos is still better than not dancing at all (and they’ll likely love it too).

    If your friend is in your space, absolutely. If they’re at their place (i.e. not with you), they’ll need to purchase their entry into the class.

  • No, I’m a certified JourneyDance™ Facilitator.

    I’ve loved dance my entire life and dreamt of attending the Juilliard School when I was young.

    Dance has always been a part of my life, and being able to share JourneyDance™ with others sets my soul on fire.

    It’s a true love and passion and has changed me forever.

  • Yes, you can!

    While your experience will be different, you’ll still enjoy yourself and go on an incredible journey working with parts of your body that are easier to move.

  • An eclectic mix is the best way to describe it — think music that makes you move and feel.

    It’s a mix of mainstream music that’s likely familiar and songs you’ve never heard before (and it changes weekly).

    Know this — I’m known to put a great playlist together.

  • No need, and ideally, you would not. Dancing in socks or barefoot is best.

    That said, if you feel like you need them on, please wear them. You can always take them off.

  • No problem. I’ll issue you a class credit you can use in the future.

  • Monthly Membership is $35 and includes access to all Thursday classes AND the Movement, Mindset, & Wellness Toolkit.

    When you sign up, you’ll be on an automatic renewal and will be charged the same day each month.

    You can cancel anytime.

  • Yes! Please contact me with details.

    I’m available for Zoom sessions, retreats, workshops, and more.

  • Yes. 1:1 Movement & Mindset Coaching Sessions are available for an investment of $250 per session (90 minutes) or 5 sessions for $1000.

    If you’re interested in this option, please contact me.

  • Yes. However, not consistently.

    If you would like to request an in-person class, please contact me.

    If you’d like to be alerted of in-person classes, please sign up for my newsletter.

  • Select replays are available to Monthly Members only.

    There are no replays for individual class passes.

  • I believe women of all ages, body types, sexual orientations, and gender expressions, including nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit people, need supportive spaces to heal and grow.

    It’s something I value and find sacred.

    So, my invitation is to welcome them regardless of race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability/abilities, and socioeconomic background.

    Superfine Life is an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, equitable, inclusive company.

    I stand for LGBTQIA+ rights. I believe black lives matter. I insist that as a woman/human, I own the rights to my body.

    If you feel the same way, welcome! I am so glad you’re here.

    If this makes you cringe or you disagree, thanks for stopping by. This is probably not the place for you, and that’s a-okay.

  • My goal is to keep class as accessible as possible.

    Single Classes are $20 each, or you can purchase the monthly membership for $35 (which includes access to all Thursday night classes, replays, and a whole wellness toolkit which is added to monthly).

    If paying the minimum is impossible, please connect with me to explore what’s possible.

    And for those looking to support and sponsor a fellow woman in business whose budget doesn’t allow her access to services like these, I welcome you to Pay It Forward.

    100% of the funds collected will be applied to the Superfine Scholarship Fund for women who need extra support to access my services.

  • Yes. I believe everyone should have access to healing modalities.

    If you need further support to access my services, I invite you to apply for a Superfine Scholarship.

  • Nope! You do not need to own a business to attend my JourneyDance™ classes or to work with me.

    If you like what you’re reading and it’s speaking to you, please go ahead and purchase your ticket or monthly membership.

Client Love

"I am a shy, quiet person. I know what it's like to be uncomfortable in a loud gym class, surrounded by strangers, wanting to disappear behind a wall. This class was nothing like it. Even though I didn't know anyone, the atmosphere was inviting, comfortable, and relaxing. No judgement if you want to shut off your camera, but I didn't even feel the need to do it. No pressure to follow exact movement or feel embarrassed because a move didn't come out right. Nothing like it. And absolutely no judging, no starring, if you take a look at the other participants you realize everybody is enjoying being in their own dance space, so you can enjoy being in yours. Furthermore, the music and the guidance are beautiful. I was telling someone about the experience, and told them it was like meditating while moving my body along with it. I loved it!" — Sara

"There are three pillars to mental health; the first is taking care of your body. Movement is one of the most important activities for wellness. I love to move but in a much more freeing way than going to a gym. The next pillar is community. Humans need one another to feel connected and loved. I didn’t realize that this pillar was missing in my life. I found my community here at JourneyDance™ with Danielle. The last pillar is nurturing yourself. By the end of the class, your heart will be emitting the most beautiful light. Your life will be changed forever. I know mine has." — Leanne

"Everyone is on their own journey. Whether it be healing, growth, enlightenment, understanding, or empowerment, we are all moving to become the essential versions of ourselves that we came here to be. No matter your journey, you can't get there alone. JourneyDance™ with Danielle is not just a practice, it's a community. A community where you will find space to bring more joy, love, and peace into your life. Who couldn't use more of that?! I highly recommend this movement, this practice, and Danielle, to guide you out of your head, and into your heart." — Jay Jay